The AMR Challenge is a way for organizations around the world to collaborate in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. When the challenge launched, bioMérieux made three commitments to the fight against antimicrobial resistance.
“Time is of the Essence and Minutes Matter” – Angie Myers Shares Her Sepsis Survival Story
“I thought of sepsis with elderly patients and immunocompromised patients, but that’s just not true,” said Meyers. “It can happen to you; it can happen to your daughter; it can happen to a perfectly healthy individual; it can happen to anyone.”
You Make the Call: What Would You Do When Your Child Has the Flu and It Won’t Go Away?
Find your way through a scenario where your child’s case of the flu leads to pneumonia and sepsis. At critical points, you must make choices about what you would do—and just like in real life, the decisions you make can change your ultimate outcome. Be honest with your answers—what would you really do in this …
bioMérieux Joins the Scientific World in Celebrating the Legacy of Stuart Levy, MD
Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health issue across the globe. On September 4, 2019, we lost a partner in that mission. Stuart Levy, MD, one of the earliest and loudest voices warning of the dangers of antibiotic overuse in both humans and animals, passed away after a prolonged illness.
The Value of Diagnostics in Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance – A Public Health Problem
At this year’s World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress, Dr. Tristan Timbrook delivered a...
Lindsay Denny Discusses the Critical Role of WASH in Preventing Infectious Diseases and Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance
WASH, which stands for water, sanitation, and hygiene, are basic...