3 Keys to Successful EMP Implementation in the Dairy Industry: From Action to Prediction

By the bioMérieux Connection Editors

Food contamination can occur at any point in the production process, creating unique pathogen monitoring challenges. Implementing an Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) can help to eliminate dangerous and expensive contamination events before they affect products or customers. However, putting environmental monitoring and pathogen testing into action requires thorough planning and distinct considerations for each facility.

To guide food safety professionals through how to effectively develop and execute an Environmental Monitoring Program, food safety and dairy expert Jack van der Sanden will present, “3 Keys to Successful EMP Implementation in the Dairy Industry: From Action to Prediction”, on November 10. Hosted by Dairy Foods, this complimentary webinar delivers key information to ensure that food production facilities have the tools to implement a successful and sustainable pathogen monitoring program.

Jack van der Sanden, bioMérieux Senior Food Safety Advisor, has over 35 years of experience in the global food industry. Van der Sanden has helped both large and small food manufacturers around the world navigate food safety and quality challenges and currently specializes in Environmental Pathogen Monitoring programs.

In this upcoming webinar, van der Sanden will pull from his wealth of experience guiding global food organizations through the design of Environmental Monitoring Programs and share key considerations and best practices. This will include his three key steps to creating a successful program:

  1. Choose the right targets
  2. Optimize sampling execution
  3. Implement a data-driven action plan

Tune in on November 10 at 4:00 PM EST to learn how an Environmental Monitoring Program can benefit your operation, streamline your data management, and help make real-time preventative decisions. Can’t attend live? Don’t worry—register to be notified when the webinar is available on-demand.


Opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of bioMérieux, Inc.

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