Webinar: Timely Mold Identification Supports Treatment of Fungal Infections

By the bioMérieux Connection Editors

Next week is Fungal Awareness Week, which is observed each year to bring attention to the need for early recognition of fungal infections. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, fungal infections can lead to serious illness and death. Early recognition is an important component in combating these life-threatening infections.

Anyone can get a fungal infection; however, factors such as a compromised immune system may increase the risk dramatically. Invasive mold infections can develop in just days or weeks following exposure to fungi that live in the environment. When left untreated, fungal infections can increase in severity and cause significant morbidity.

Although there are millions of species of fungi, only about three hundred of those are known to cause clinically significant illness in people. For example, the mold Aspergillus can cause the infection Aspergillosis, which is among the most common causes of fungal sepsis. Most people breathe in Aspergillus mold spores daily without getting sick, but for some people with existing health conditions, exposure may cause allergic reactions, lung infections, infections in other organs, and in extreme cases, sepsis.

Improved Mold Identification May Support Better Patient Outcomes

Proper treatment of fungal infections depends on accurate and swift diagnosis. In our upcoming webinar, Dr. Ransom will discuss the potential of MALDI-TOF technology to aid in the quick identification of microorganisms including bacteria, molds, and other fungal species. Tune in on September 22nd for an engaging discussion on the challenges associated with the identification of molds, and findings from a comparative study on MALDI-TOF technology.

We recognize that bringing awareness to healthcare providers and the community is an important way to fight conditions such as sepsis and fungal disease. In support for Fungal Awareness Week, we’re offering P.A.C.E.® credits to those who attend.

* This webinar is now on-demand! Click below to access. *


Opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of bioMérieux, Inc.

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